Assel Terlikbayeva, M.D. Regional Director – Almaty, Kazakhstan Executive Board Member Regional site Dr. Assel Terlkibayeva received her MD degree in internal medicine from Almaty Medical University in 2000, and her Master of Science in Social Work degree from Columbia University in 2003. She previously worked as a program coordinator for the American International Health Alliance in Almaty, and before that, she interned with the Social Intervention Group, Doctors of the World, and Human Services Center Inc. Dr. Terlikbayeva has conducted HIV research in Kazakhstan with GHRCCA and the Social Intervention Group for the past five years. Her current research projects include HIV/STI prevention for drug-involved couples in Almaty and HIV/STI risk patterns among migrant workers in Kazakhstan.

Sholpan Primbetova, M.S., M.Ph., Director of Operations – Almaty, Kazakhstan Executive Board Member Sholpan Primbetova is a Director of Operations of the Global Health Research Center of Central Asia in Almaty. She received her M.S. degree in Pharmacy from South Kazakhstan Medical Academy in 1996, and her Master of Science in Social Work degree from Columbia University in 2009. Over the last 5 years, Sholpan has conducted epidemiological and intervention research on global health issues, such as HIV, STDs, migration, women, and violence in Kazakhstan and Central Asia with GHRCCA and the Social Intervention Group. Her current areas of research include stigma and discrimination toward women living with HIV; microfinance support for female sexual workers, and risk factors for TB in migrants from Central Asian countries. Ms. Primbetova has co-authored in about 10 publications.